The Dreaded Exhaust Back Pressure

I remember the first time I saw a tuner's huge tailpipe. I'm pretty sure it was on a Civic and was at least large enough to fit a sm...

Trying something new

Now know you love cars, and everything associated with them. Did you know that you can buy almost anything from Amazon? Sure you did. Well, ...

Happy Birtday Mustang! And a special milestone.

April 17th, 1964. That was the day that the automotive world was turned on it's ear. It was on this day that Ford Motor Company unveiled...

I Drive a Minivan and I Can Parallel Park

2013 Toyota Sienna. Photo courtesy Toyota Yes, I drive a minivan. No, I never thought I would. Trust me, when I was younger I hated pretty m...

Twenty Annoying Driving Habits Everyone Should Stop

Some drivers need robots to drive them around I have to admit there are a lot of things about the way people drive (or don't drive) that...

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