NHRA Legend, Bill "Grumpy" Jenkins dies.

It is with a heavy hear that we announce the passing of former NHRA Pro-Stock driving legend Bill Jenkins otherwise known as Grumpy. Jenkins...

Confirmed: Datsun making a comeback.

Perhaps in an effort to combat Toyota's Scion brand, Nissan has confirmed that the Datsun nameplate will join with Nissan and Infiniti i...

2011 Great Race highlights

The 2011 Great Race may be one of the wildest vintage car events that exist today. It's vintage cars taking part in a cross country endu...

What do yachts, polo, and dancing have to do with Cadillacs?

Everything. If you were around in the 1980s, then you surely must remember seeing these commercials for Cadillac at the time. They used ever...

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