What do yachts, polo, and dancing have to do with Cadillacs?

Everything. If you were around in the 1980s, then you surely must remember seeing these commercials for Cadillac at the time. They used ever...

What do yachts, polo, and dancing have to do with Cadillacs? - Hallo AutoMotive user, we prepare interested article for you with title What do yachts, polo, and dancing have to do with Cadillacs?. We hope our contents will help you to get good information. ( Advertising ), ( Alante ), ( Brougham ), ( Cadillac ), ( Cadillac Style ), ( DeVille ), ( Eldorado ), ( Fleetwood ), OK, happy reading guys.

Title : What do yachts, polo, and dancing have to do with Cadillacs?
Link : What do yachts, polo, and dancing have to do with Cadillacs?


What do yachts, polo, and dancing have to do with Cadillacs?

Everything. If you were around in the 1980s, then you surely must remember seeing these commercials for Cadillac at the time. They used every symbol of the upper class they could find and put them in the commercials. Yachts, shooting, aerobic dancing, polo, and horse back riding. It was all there! Even a Fleetwood Brougham pulling a dual axle horse trailer. It was a great time for car commercials and a great time for automotive jingles. Now all we get are remixed pop songs. The only way to travel, truly was Cadillac Style!

Finally, The Article What do yachts, polo, and dancing have to do with Cadillacs?

Finally, our content What do yachts, polo, and dancing have to do with Cadillacs? in this time. Hopefully it can benefit to you all. Ok, see you in another contents.

You read artcile What do yachts, polo, and dancing have to do with Cadillacs? now in link http://r-automotive.blogspot.com/2012/03/what-do-yachts-polo-and-dancing-have-to.html


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